
Showing posts from April, 2021

No, thank you.

  There's plenty of good people doing good work and I am thankful for them every day. There are also people who are not putting in any work. Yet, the worst kind of people are not the ones who put no work, rather the ones who pretend to. And to these people, I say; "No, thank you." To those who know and understand our problems, to those who have the ability to invoke change, to those politicians and activists I say, "No, thank you."  To those who are outraged by the use of the terms "alien" or "illegal," but spare no outrage for the millions of undocumented immigrants living in struggle in the US; To those who are outraged because of physical symbols that represent white supremacy, but offer no outrage at the very real institutional and systemic racism BIPOC communities continue to endure; To those who are outraged by the gender pay gap, but pay no attention toward its more adverse effects toward women of color; To those who are outraged by ra...